Product name: USB Retractocam 10 mm
Trade names: USB Retractocam 10
Product Specifications: USB Retractocam which is a 3 in 1 device, a merger of a video camera, LED light source and a retractor which is used to perform minimally invasive open surgery for a variety of operations. It has a video camera attached at right angles with 6 LEDs at the tip with zero-degree vision and working length of 15 CMS.
Detailed description: Complete specifications of the USB Retractocam are as follows: It is made up of a stainless-steel metal tube (figure:1B,4 and figure:2,3) bent at right angles with a video camera (figure:1A,1 Figure:1B,3 and figure:2,1) and LEDs (figure:1A,2) fitted at the tip. It has a holder (Figure:1B,5 and Figure:2,4) fixed to the back end. Electrical wires pass from the camera head in front through the stainless-steel tube and are connected to the USB male pin (figure:1B,6 and Figure:2,5) at the back of the holder. The holder is hollow within and has a USB pin fixed at its back end. It is sterilized by putting in Formalin chamber for 30 minutes or by Ethylene Oxide gas.

Figure:1 A and B showing the outer view of USB retractocam
Figure:1A showing the front view of the tip of USB retractocam
1. Video camera 2. LED
Figure:1B showing the outer side view of USB retractocam
3. Video camera 4. Stainless-steel tube of 5 mm outer diameter 5. Holder made up of Delrin(polyacetal) 6. Male USB output pin

Figure:2 showing the inner view of USB Retractocam
1.Video camera 2. Electrical wires 3. Stainless-steel tube 4. Holder 5. Male USB pin
Advantages of my device over the prior instruments is as follows: Due to this instrument, the incision of the surgery required is 50-75% smaller. It also has 20 times the magnification and shows those features of operating field which is impossible in open surgery. The minimally invasive open surgery performed with this devise competes with laparoscopy as the incision required is very small. The device also acts as a retractor to uplift abdominal wall during surgery so that minimally invasive surgeries can be performed without insufflating Co2 gas in the abdomen. Hence, it acts as an alternative to laparoscopy where Co2 gas is insufflated inside the abdomen. The cost of the operation is very less compared to laparoscopy as costly laparoscopic instruments are not required. The above-described prior arts simply cannot be used as a replacement to my device. Currently, there is no such device is commercially available in the Indian markets. Above-described prior arts are imported and costing approximately Rs. 5 Lakhs, whereas my device is cheap and indigenized and can be commercialized for only Rs. 30,000. My device is in tune with government of India’s Make in India policy.
Intended application: The device opens a new dimension in open surgery called “minimally invasive open surgery”. Various open surgeries which are possible with the device are, Pyeloplasty, pyelolithotomy, suprapubic cystolithotomy, Tubal ligation, Trans umbilical pyloromyotomy, hiatal surgeries, diagnostic laparoscopies, tracheoesophageal fistula repair, etc.
Method of using: A USB cable connects the back-end USB male pin of the device to the display devises on which a software is installed which displays and records still images and videos. The front end of the devise is inserted into an open incision. The sturdy retractor lifts up the abdominal wall, creating space for vision, hence, no Co2 is insufflated into abdomen as in laparoscopic surgery. The LEDs in front illuminate the operating field. Open surgery instruments are now inserted and the surgery performed such as Pyeloplasty, pyelolithotomy, suprapubic cystolithotomy, Tubal ligation, Trans umbilical pyloromyotomy, hiatal surgeries, diagnostic laparoscopies, tracheoesophageal fistula repair.
Class B
Material: 316 grade stainless steel
Patent No: 202021022105
Packing & storage Condition: The product is stored in a dust free cabinet at 25-40 % centigrade temperature. It is packed with multiple layers of bubble wraps and placed in a metal container of appropriate size and sent by courier
Video quality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fAlj-qNnXQ
Cost: Rs.30,000